Birthday Party Preparation: Toddler, Exersaucer

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38 answers

Exersaucer or Jumperoo?

We would like to buy an exersaucer or a jumperoo for our little guy. He'll be 4 months soon. He likes to "stand" and is pretty active, so I want something that will get him some exercise and be entertaining. He's also pretty tall (80% percentile), so I'm hoping some of you moms can give me an opinion on which ones are good for taller babies. I don't want him to grow out of it too quickly! Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Games & Activities

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38 answers

Exersaucer for 6 Month Old

Did you buy an exersaucer for your baby? I keep hearing how great they are but they're not cheap and so far I haven't had luck finding one on Craigslist. I don't want to get caught up in the baby industry and spend tons of money unnecessarily, but I keep hearing that exersaucers are great for this age. Do you/did you own one and did you find it useful? At the moment, we put our baby in her bouncy seat, on the bed, bumbo seat (which I don't find useful at all), or on the floor on a mat. Someone let us borrow a jumparoo but we haven't used...

Menu & Foods

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47 answers

Baby Shower for a Second Baby?

JUST CURIOUS to what others think about the topic. We are currently TTC our second child. We have a 17mo old little girl and I've saved all of her clothes and such just in case we have another girl the 2nd time around. (Although we'd love a boy, one of each!) I'm assuming that if we have another girl, then a baby shower is not really necessary since I wouldn't really need clothes and we'd probably end up buying the bigger items ourselves anyway and reuse a lot of the toys/equipment. Or is it reasonable to have a shower of sorts for a...


Taking a Shower

I have a ten month old boy who is very active and walking. Does anyone have...