Asthma: Preschooler, Huggies

Results 1-10 from 24 articles

4 y.o. With Bad Case of Eczema

K.W. asks from Muncie

My four year old daughter has had Eczema on and off since she was born. In the past I have taken her to the pediatrician and gotten a prescription for a skin cream. ...


Diaper Preference for Boys?

K.A. asks from Pittsburgh

I was wondering if anyone has tried multiple brands of diapers and prefers a particular one for boys. Some people have been telling me that Pampers are great for girl...


Curious About Soda/candy

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

after reading a few posts i am curious - do you give your children soda/candy? my 3 year old has never had soda - and only rare pieces of candy. i don't think there i...


Unscented Diapers

J.M. asks from Salinas

My 9 month old daughter has a rash in her diaper area that I cannot seem to clear up. I've tried Desitin, Butt Paste, A&D, Resinol, you name it. She went to the docto...


Excema Suggestions

E.S. asks from Amarillo

My three year old son has very severe excema on his legs and arms and now starting on his lower back. He's been on antibiotics a lot and ointmints we went to see a de...


Is It an Allergy Rash, Hypersensitivity or What???

A.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello ladies: I have a 61/2 mos old boy and I'm very concern. He has developed a terrible rash, on his little butt that at this point I'm not sure what it could be. I...


Help with Excema!

B.R. asks from Lubbock

My 5 month old has a pretty bad case of excema...she had an outbreak like this at 2 months also. My Pedi. said it is environmental and she will grow out of it. I do...


My 7 Year Old Son Can't Control His Bladder at Night

M.H. asks from Charlotte

Hi Mamas, My son just turned 7 last week, and he is still in pull-ups at night. He wakes up in the morning completely soaked - his pull-up, his sheets, and his bo...


Seeking Advice on Eczema

N.L. asks from San Antonio

I was wondering if any moms out there have dealt with Eczema? My daughter has it and was given some steroid cream about two weeks ago. The doctor instructed me to cha...


Baby Eczema

L.L. asks from Knoxville

My son developed Eczema at 4 months he is now 5 months and the condition is progressing more. We have changed his formula to Nutramigen Lipil, from Dreft to All Free ...