Nder3 Childenu

Updated on July 30, 2012
A.K. asks from Sauquoit, NY
15 answers

So I know people have kids by diff fathers all the time, but what do u ladies think of a woman having 3 kids, when the 1st and last are by the same man and the middle child being by another man? Open to any and many opinions.

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So What Happened?

So I guess not to many woman understood what I was saying. You d ont actually have to know the person personally to give an opinion. I actually threw that out there to c what other woman thought of certain situations. Well anything is possible. I think its pretty screwed up for the kid, but who am I to judge? Just thought it would be an interesting topic for all the bored mamas out there, but I guess not too many people are openminder and interested in talking about something diff for a change.

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answers from Denver on

Some people assume this about me, because my middle son is not the same ethnicity as the rest of this. He was adopted. Some assume all 3 boys have a different dad, because...I don't know why...because they're jerks?

So what would I think? Nothing, unless she shared with me that was the reality of her children's parentage, that all of the unions were voluntary, and ASKED for my opinion.

ETA: Having conversations that functionally consist of making assumptions about and passing judgment on others is open-minded? Do you remember the old Grateful Dead bumper stickers "no time to hate?" Yeh...that....

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answers from Fargo on

My opinion is that it's none of my business. :)

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answers from Chicago on

I am sure there are all sorts of family situation with our mamas. And I don't think too many people have time to make a judgement call. Sometimes people are in love, fall in love with man number one, have a child, then that doesn't work out at the time.So then man number two comes along and they have a child with that man. But that didn't work out. So man number one comes back. I have a hunch the world is filled with this kind of a situation. What is important here are the children: are they loved, cared about, clothed and fed and know that they are unique and wonderful little people. Who really cares about which man was (sorry graphic here) donating something to create them? The important part is that one day one of these children could be an artist or a writer or a president or any wonderful person on earth. Now I'm wondering why do you ask?

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answers from Phoenix on

Uh, I don't know. I have enough to worry about in my own life, I could care less why some random woman had 10 kids with 8 dads.

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answers from Kansas City on

i'd think there are a million possibilities that could lead to that situation and it's really none of my business which one happened to her.

***sounds like trolling to me dear.

you can't just throw something completely general and random like this and expect people to make a judgment based on this one fact. if she is doing great, raising all of them in a healthy happy home, i have zero issues. more power to her. if you're wanting me to judge her as "screwed up" just based on this fact alone - no.

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answers from Seattle on

Why is it any of my business? I'm not entitled to an opinion unless the mother in question asks me directly. Until then, my opinion in best kept to myself.

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answers from Erie on

I think you have too much time on your hands if you're concerning yourself with something like this. It's not "open-minded" to judge people for where their kids come from. Read a book or something. In fact, I think you also need to pick up a copy of Strunk and White, spend some time studying it really well, alongside the Oxford dictionary. Maybe use that energy you are expending "figuring out why" this woman had three kids with two men and direct it toward a basic writing class at your local community college.

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answers from Billings on

Me personally it doesn't affect at all. I don't and wouldn't judge anyone on it. If the kids are all loved I don't see how it would be an issue either? Sure one may have a different father that pays child support and wants to visit, but even with that I don't see the issue. I just don't see how it would be screwed up for the kid at all.

*this opinion is unbiased I have only been with my husband sexually and have two girls from him. We are going on 8 years married and 12 years together* ;)

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answers from Chicago on

ETA: Are you talking about yourself or is this just a made up story because you are bored or is there someone you know in this situation? Has your daughter met her father yet, does your son know his father? You can't post something like this and get almost all the exact type of responses then tell us we are not open minded.

This is a very broad question with no real detail but I will take a shot, hoping you add more info later.

I would think "boy I hope they figured things out for the kids sake at least". But really how would I know about this situation unless I really knew the people. If I knew the people real well I would tell them to get their act together for the kids sake. To be honest I couldn't see any of my friends in this situation and I hope I never do.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hard to have an opinion without knowing the person, or their particular story, and I don't like to pass judgement without facts!



answers from Santa Barbara on

I guess it happens. My daughter's ex-boyfriend's mother has five children:

Child #1 - by Father #1
Child #2 - by Father #2
Child #3 - by Father #1
Child #4 - by Father #3
Child #5 - by Father #4



answers from Boston on

To each his or her own.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I'm with Adansmama.

Also, I would think that's something to be thought through BEFORE having kids with someone, not worrying about after. It doesn't change it, right?



answers from Houston on

My opinion is that I hope that she and her children and their fathers are all healthy. To decide if it's good or bad--or "pretty screwed up for the kid"--is the definition of JUDGMENT, and I wouldn't dare to be so presumptuous.

I'm not even judging you here and telling you that you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying that I wouldn't touch it unless that woman asked me to.



answers from Columbus on

There is too little context for anyone to give a well-thought-out answer.

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