I know participating salons have a special sticker they display, but that doesn't help. I know JC Penney salons used to offer a small discount and Fantastic Sams participates.
does anybody know os any participating Locks Of Love salons in Pa? Preferably in the Uniontown or Pittsburgh area? I donated my hair 6 years ago & would like to do it again. Thanks!
I know participating salons have a special sticker they display, but that doesn't help. I know JC Penney salons used to offer a small discount and Fantastic Sams participates.
I am a hairdresser and I would recommend donating the hair to http://www.wigsforkids.org/ I believe that Locks of Love charges for the wigs made from donated hair and Wigs for Kids does not. Either way I would search their respective websites to look for participating salons in your area.
I'm pretty sure any salon can give you your cut ponytail and you can send to Locks of Love.
I think any salon will do it for you even if they do not participate w/ LOL. My friend owns a salon and she isnt registered with them, but she knew how to put my daughters hair in rubber bands and cut what was needed for LOL. I put it in a zip lock baggie filled the form out from LOL and sent it in on my own.
I'd recommend contacting the organization directly.