My grandson, who is left-handed in pre-k4, is having problems with writing the numbers 2,3,5 and 7. He is writing left to right instead of right to left which result...
Is it still pretty typical for an eight year old entering third grade to still write numbers backwards and transpose double digit numbers when writing. Verbally she ...
My daughter is about to start her 2nd year of preschool (Headstart) and I have been working with her everyday for weeks now on her alphabet to make sure she's ready t...
My father died this past May and there was an obituary in my mom's local newspaper - it's in a small community of 10,000 people. My parents live about 120 miles from...
I'm thinking this sounds much better. What say you?
You are no longer welcome in our home. You may not be aware that I have full legal authority to make any and al...
My 4 year old will write her name as a complete mirror image and with in a minute write it correctly with out me prompting her. When she was barely 4 she could verbal...
I have been asked to write a recommendation for a teacher at our school. She is looking to relocate and is using an educational search firm. She sent me an e-mail t...
My 4 year old son started pre k 2 weeks ago. He's learning how to write the abcs and numbers. Hes getting homework to practice at home. When he comes home from school...
I have a daughter who is 6, but developmentally delayed. She is in a preschool through Lincoln Intermediate Unit and will be forced into kindergarten this coming fal...
Do you use lowercase or uppercase letters when teaching letters? What about when teaching words? Do you use all uppercase, all lowercase, or first one uppercase and ...