welsh names

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How Would You Pronounce This Name?

E.L. asks from Denver

My husband and I are considering this name for our baby boy: Kai Alexander. How would you pronounce Kai? With a long I as in kite or with a long A as in Kate? Thanks!


Nicknames for Caroline

J.G. asks from New York

Hi there, Mamas! I am pregnant with baby # 2 and if it's a girl, my husband wants the name Caroline. I think the full name is beautiful, but I'm not crazy about the...


Need a Baby Name Quick Please!

A.T. asks from Chicago

So we are trying to name our little girl that will be here in just a few weeks and we are having great difficulty so I would love your ideas! In a nutshell, we are l...


Which Spelling of Name???

C.C. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies....my hubby and I are in some need of help....we are expecting our first child together....a little boy due at the end of April.(I have 2 children from a pr...


Toddler Inappropriately Bringing up Race/ethnicty - What to Do?

E.K. asks from Seattle

My 2.5 year old is starting to notice race - specifically African-Americans. On 2 recent occasions, she has seen an African American and said "Are you black?" (over a...


Seeking Thoughts from Christian Moms on the Role of Women in Church Leadership

G.W. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, On behalf of my husband, I am seeking the thoughts of the Christian women who are regular church attenders in Mamasource world :-) My husband is a deacon ...

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