Hey all,
I am curious, how did you feel on your wedding day? Were you excited, scared, joyful, happy, etc.,? Did you or your husband cry, throw up or faint...?
At our wedding we did not specify if kids were invited or not, and honeslty it never crossed my mind- we invited families with no age limit in mind. This was well ove...
We have recently received several wedding and graduation invitations. Some are from people we haven't seen or talked to in a long time, others are from family (2nd co...
I have been invited to a Wiccan wedding.
I am uncertain of what would be a good present. They're young and kind of broke so I think they need everything, but c...
I am making punch for my daughter's wedding, which is in a couple of weeks, and would like to freeze it. It has frozen orange juice, frozen lemonade, as well as froz...
Would you feel hurt if you weren't asked to be in a siblings wedding(the first time and second time) but your husband was? We were close as children and I couldn't be...
I am getting married or better officially planning our wedding, but Our household is already established, so having a home items as a wedding gift will be a waist. Bu...
My brother is getting married this Sunday. His wedding and reception are from 11-4. I have a baby, 18 months, who naps! She is probably going to be a bear if she c...
This is a very tense subject, and I hope I don't come off as cheap. My step-daughter (tho I don't think of her as one, I've been her Mom II since she was 1.5 years o...
Anyone have any ideas for wedding favors? I'm stumped! We don't want to spend a lot of money on the favors because most people will leave them behind of not want them...