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Wedding Gift When Not Attending Wedding

T.C. asks from Chicago

Hi. We were invited to a friend's wedding (not a very close friend, someone I see primarily when I see one of my good friends). We cannot attend the wedding. How m...


What to Do with a Wedding Dress

L.O. asks from Detroit

I have been married for 8 years... My wedding dress was hanging in the closet in our extra bedroom..But then we had our second child who moved into that bedroom and I...


Wedding Etiquette...

M.W. asks from Chicago

so, my sister is getting married at the end of this month and i recently asked her if she got back all of her rsvp cards. my sister and her fiance sort of look at ea...


October Wedding

A. asks from Las Vegas

My fiance and I are getting married this October and I really don't know where to start. There are so many places to get married out here and I want to have a memorab...


Wedding Gift

J.S. asks from Oklahoma City

I need ideas quick!!! ;) My most dearest friend is getting married this Friday and I need gift ideas!!! This is her second wedding so there is no gift registry. We ...


Wedding Issue

D.L. asks from San Francisco

Okay so my daughter has just gotten engaged and they are starting to plan the wedding. The issue that I need help with is this...the parents of the groom want to be ...


Wedding Help

V.G. asks from Austin

My daughter is getting married in two weeks. It will be a small wedding in the Corpus Christi area, we live in Leander. We are new to the area, and I need help findin...


Wedding Etiquette

N.L. asks from Chicago

I am a bridesmaid this weekend in a high school friend's wedding. I believe she is the last of my friend's to get married. Typical wedding - you have the expense of...


Wedding and Kids

E.Z. asks from Los Angeles

At our wedding we did not specify if kids were invited or not, and honeslty it never crossed my mind- we invited families with no age limit in mind. This was well ove...


Wedding Present

S.E. asks from Philadelphia

I have been invited to a Wiccan wedding. I am uncertain of what would be a good present. They're young and kind of broke so I think they need everything, but c...

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