I'm looking for a light weight "shopping" stroller for my toddler. Easy to fold and unfold and throw in the trunk, travel with, etc. Until now we've had a snap n go...
My 19 month old seems to have pretty loose poops. She only has a poopy diaper about 1-2 times a day, but it is usually very loose and potent! Is this normal? I have h...
I just started reading here and love all of the great advice. I am trying to make a list of toddler friendly places to take my 18 month old in the McKinney/Frisco ar...
Am i crazy?? I am bf my 2nd little girl. I had supply issues with my first and ended up using mothers milk tea which worked great. With my 2nd dd she has latched o...
This summer I really noticed how much my 2yr old loves the water. So my question is did any of you teach your own kids to swim or did you sign them up for lessons? H...
I had our 2nd child 11 days ago. She is in NICU so I am pumping breast milk and taking it to her for tube and bottle feedings. I am currently pumping 45-50 oz a day a...
Hi there,
Our daughter is 20 months old and we are still breast feeding and have recently started co-sleeping. Anyone else out there in a similar situation? Honest...
With another baby on the way, we've moved the crib into the baby room and bought our 2 yr old a pink princess toddler bed for Christmas. She loves the bed and seems ...
Hello, I've never written in before, but I have received some great insights via this site.
I'm a stepmom of a soon to be 12 yr old girl who is a great kid. But I fi...
I am looking for a toddler gate/kiddie corral to be used when we travel to a lake. I want my fifteen month old to have some freedom (she doesn't want to be confined t...