my grandson is 2 years old not talking as well as my 2 years old grand daughter she can speak very well he can't just a few words wondering if he should be tested to ...
I'm a little lost of the subject of teaching my 13 month old how to talk. He tries to say "go" but that is it. I'm not sure how to go about teaching him words and him...
My little girl seems to be very lacking in the amount of words she says. She babbles a lot and sometimes says mama or dada but i can't tell if she actually knows what...
My son was born 11 weeks early so he is a lil behind, but my dr says he should be saying more than 15 words. All he says is mama and just babbles. Anyone know any e...
My 2 1/2 year old boy is very limited in his speach. A few words he does say is no, up, down, juice, and a few other words we can not understand. I have asked my doct...
I'm curious how to get started in reading with my son. He understands the sounds letters make, but has no idea how to sound out words. He knows some words, but I th...
I have a 19 month old son who says about 8 words. The doctor wants him to go to early intervention. I was wondering how many words other people's kids said at this ag...
I am a Japenese mom. A lot of books have words that I don't understand, but I don't want to stop reading to my kids because I want them to become good readers. I coul...
I have a child that just turned 4 and he has trouble speaking he only speaks about 15 words. And Ive had in speech class bout 6 months now andhes improving but I feel...
I have a 16 month old daughter. I am curious as to what she should be able to do developmentally at this age. How many words should she be saying? Should she be id...