stop dog barking

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Results 51-60 from 328 articles

Dog Scratched Neighbors Kid

R.A. asks from Boston

My son and my German Shepherd were out in our front yard. My dog was attached to a run, and was contained to our yard as I always do. One of our neighborhood kids on...


Best Family Dog Breeds

J.T. asks from Portland

I will be choosing a dog for our family in the middle of next year. I would like opinions on good breeds for a family dog... a city dog likely to be happy in our 50X...


Parents Wanting to Visit with Their dog...what Would You Do?

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

My parents are wanting to come down for a short visit. The only issue: they want to bring their dog. I live in a very small 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with my husband an...


Suggestions for a Great Family Dog

S.C. asks from Albuquerque

We are thinking about getting a dog for the family. I am looking for a dog that can be a great watchdog when my husband is out of town, and one that is also protecti...


Dog Training with a Shock Collar

M.C. asks from Detroit

My dog, a mini poodle, keeps running out of the house whenever the door is opened. When I call her, she doesn't come. She's a smart dog and knows basic commands, bu...


New Dog Doesn't like My Husband

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

We just adopted a one year old Male Havanese dog and it was suppose to be trained and well socialized. He is housebroken, very mannerly in the house and sweet to both...


Dog Bites Advice Needed

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hello Mamas, I'm looking for some insight on dog bites. Let me first explain, I'm a single parent. My son visits his father overnight sat to Sun every other week. ...


What Kind of Dog Should I Get?

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. I have been always a cat person and my kitty died on Monday. Now my 4 1/2 year old son wants a dog. I don't know much about dogs. What kind of small to medium...


Advice About a Dog for the Family

N.K. asks from Austin

We just recently had to give away our 5 year old boston terrier because of her aggressive behavior toward people, animals and our 16 month old daughter. We are consid...


Dog Training Question...

K.L. asks from Des Moines

I have gotten so many great answers from questions about my daughter, I thought I might try asking about my dog! We have an 8-year old Beagle, Molly. We have only had...

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