school anxiety

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Stranger Anxiety

A.M. asks from Minneapolis

Hi all, I feel like I'm always posting questions on this board--I really appreciate all of the feedback and advice!! My little guy, now 8 months old, is starting to...


Separation Anxiety??

M.L. asks from Indianapolis

Is separation anxiety only when your leaving? I am a single mom and just recently about one month ago quit my job and now work for my son's childcare provider whom we...


Separation Anxiety

J.B. asks from Denver

Hi everyone! My 6 month old seems to be suffering from separation anxiety. He is in daycare 2 days a week and with a babysitter in our home 2 days a week. He scream...


Seperation Anxiety?

L.W. asks from Lexington

My daughter is 2 years old. This is her second week at a new Daycare. She previously had a private sitter with one other little girl who was 5 months younger than h...


Separation Anxiety???

S.C. asks from Dallas

I have a wonderful son who just turned one. He is a sweet happy loving little boy as long as his father or I are there. When he is left with the babysitter he is mis...


Interview Anxiety

L.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, All, I have severe interview anxiety. Ten years ago, I interviewed for admission to a prestigious business school. I prepared long and hard, even memorizing th...


Separation Anxiety

K.C. asks from Dallas

My daughter is almost 3 and has always been very attached to me. When she was a baby she would cry if anyone else held her (until maybe 6 months old). We went throu...


Anxiety Help...

J.C. asks from Seattle

Hi mamas, I am just looking for some kind words and some advice. I have posted several times about health concerns in my son. Everything from developmental delays to...


Constant Anxiety

J.B. asks from Spokane

I have always been what my husband calls a "worrier." My worries have always run through a gamut of topics - money, my house, work, my daughter, all the usual stuff -...


Babysitter Anxiety

V.K. asks from Minneapolis

I told myself that I wouldn't be one of "those" parents... The parents that get anxiety over leaving their kids with a babysitter. I LOVE it when family members can t...

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