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Results 21-30 from 728 articles

Gift or No?

M.D. asks from San Francisco

A friend of mine just sent out a wedding announcement. They were married in a small private ceremony. The announced that "Sometime in the following years they will ho...


Natural Consequences

T.D. asks from Houston

Can anyone suggest a natural consequence for yelling during mealtime? My two-year-old sometimes starts yelling as loud as he can during a meal (at home and in public)...


How Do I Help My Husband to Respect My JOB as a Stay at Home Mom/housekeeper?

A.B. asks from St. Louis

I have a 2 year old and a 7 week old. Tonight he got off a 12 hour shift as a manager of a popular restaurant. He would not feed the baby when I asked but went to be...


When Is It Safe to Take Baby Out in Public?

J.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have a three week old baby and I have been taking him out once a day - just short walks to Starbucks, etc. Once my husband and I took him to lunch in a restaurant -...


JFF: What's Your Job?

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Are you a SAHM, or not? What does your husband/spouse do? Do you have any hobbies/side jobs (that you may get a little money for)? I'm a SAHM of four. I do pain...


Need a Temporary Job - Where Can I Make Decent Money??

P.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Ladies, I need a job that may or may not be temporary. A few months ago i quit my job of 14 years as a project manager to concentrate on building my own online ...


Help Finding Daughter a Job!

P.P. asks from Dallas

My 32 year old daughter moved back home last year with the 2 grandkids and has not been able to find a job (it is really starting to affect her self confidence). Does...


Need a Job, but Very Limited with Time

N.F. asks from Chicago

i am in desperate need of a job. i can't afford childcare so it has to be something either from home or nights (after my husband gets home). i am not interested in ...


Extremely Frustrated with Weight Problem

J.F. asks from Little Rock

Okay, I went through a friend's old clothes and most of them fit. Good, right? Yeah, if you're supposed to be a size 12 and you find out you're a 16!!! This infuriate...


Interacial Families

J.G. asks from Panama City

I was just wondering what people really think about interracial families? I am american but I am married to a man who is Mexican. He is a very great guy, good father...

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