I'm almost ready to move my baby girl from her infant car seat into the convertible car seat that we have. However, I need to buy a toddler seat for my son first (he'...
My little guy has just about outgrown his infant car seat so we are about to buy a convertable seat. He's nine months old and weighs almost 22 pounds. He's got a f...
hi i am looking for advice on a good infant car seat or head support. We bought a baby trend car seat and my daughters head always falls forward. We even tried the pi...
15 month old will not sleep in his car seat. Small for his age, he is still in infant seat. He 'never' has fallen asleep in car seat. He will cry until we get to dest...
My baby boy is moving on up in the world! His feet are hanging out of his car seat, so its about the time we get another car seat (the next size up from his current o...
Our dear little one will be 1 at the end of April and he really is getting to big for his infant car seat that I love, it is evenflo. We have to buy two car seats b/c...
My son is seven months old and he has outgrown his infant car seat. He is 19 lbs and 29 ½ inches long. Can anyone recommend a good car seat and an umbrella strolle...
My duaghter will be 4 December 24th. My ped told us to try and keep her in a car seat until then. The problem is the car seat is getting snug on her - she is average ...
I have a friend who is known as The Car Seat Lady, b/c she works for a car seat installation check organization. According to them 4 OUT OF 5 Car seats are installed...
Hi! I'm looking for a convertible/combination car seat. I want one of those that can be used from 22 lbs with the 5 point harness and then remove the back and be used...