My toddler is 3 1/2. Will be 4 in April. He refuses to potty train. He tells us he is still a baby and baby's pee pee in their diapers. The funny thing is he goes to ...
I have a son who just turned three in February. He has gone pee pee on the potty a handful of times, but shows really no interest in it at all. I have the sticker cha...
Hello Everyone,
Will try and make this short. My daughter for the past couple of months has been saying 'pee pee' and 'poo poo' when she goes. She is now pointin...
Hello, maybe you been through this, I have a concern regarding potty training a 2yr 4 mon. boy. I started potty training him on thursday and it went ok. He seemed pr...
My son is 3 1/2 and refuses to use the toilet if he is dressed. He will pee in the toilet all on his own, ONLY if he is naked. If he has anything on he won't do it....
I am not having any success potty training my 2 1/2 .she tells me aim peeing and she is telling the truth about that ,but she will not pee in the potty .If I try to t...
I have a little boy who turned 3 in March. He has been pee-pee potty trained since January. For a while he would tell us when he had to poop and would go in the pot...
My daughter is 3yrs 1 mth and refuses to go poop on the potty. She uses it to pee...even waking up at night to go, but hates going for #2. what can I do to get her ...
My three year old has been complaining that his pee pee hurts. We took him to his doctor last Friday and of course, they need to test for an urinary tract infection. ...
my 3 year old will not poop on the potty! she asks us to put a pull up on her when she has to poop and then she hides in a corner. I have tried everything I can think...