My grandson is a bit over 2. His ears are very sensitive to loud, sudden noises so he wouldn't appreciate the sounds that fireworks make. However, if they were muff...
My children attend a public school which has traditionally celebrated Halloween in typical fashion - costumes, parade, pumpkin carving, etc. The school is becoming m...
My kids are young (1,3 & 5) so we are just kind of starting with all of this...July 4th has me thinking because we were trying to figure out what to do tomorrow!!! (...
I just moved to an area to be closer to my family including my mom and other adult siblings. Of course I love to spend time with them and this is all very new to us.
My daghter will be 4 in June and my son just turned 2 so we are thinking about taking a trip to DisneyLand in California this summer because my daughter is really int...
My daughter is now 4 yrs old, but since she was 1yrs old she has been obsessed with her grandma.. I feel this is because her grandma buys her everything and never mak...
Hey Ladies!
I was just wondering,have you ever done a meet up with all the women on here? I mean, here we are giving our advice because we care. Do any of you c...
I am hosting Thanksgiving this year. My in laws from Pennsylvania are coming which is MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL and 3 nephews/niece. We planned this a couple of months ago. ...
I know I'm really blessed, and have an awesome husband. I had surgery and then some bloodclots (b/c of surgery) and then some health scares but nothing is wrong now. ...
I have a day that has been doubled booked...and not by my doing.
Here is the two issues. SATURDAY...I had been planning on going to see my dad preform at HempFe...