My 20 months old Toddler fell off and landed on a toy, one of her front tooth is 65% chipped off. there is no sharp edge but you can see the pulp inside. I don't thin...
For several years we have not been able to get our son to do a dental mold/impression so he can be fitted for a spacer. We have tried bribing him, threatening him, s...
Hi everyone. I've tried asking about this before, and NONE of the suggestions least not the way I'd like. She could care less about what toothbrush she ...
My 4-year old has a few cavities that need to be filled. When we took him in he got scared and refused to let the dentist numb his teeth (even though he does great wi...
I have a 4 year old with 17+ cavities, have you ever heard of anything like this? If so, what was the "procedure" to get them filled?? We have a second opinion on Fe...
My daughter is 3 and went to the dentist for the first time recently. We are very good about brushing her teeth and showing her how to do it as well. My daughter so...
I have read a lot of good recommendations for putting tubes in ears to drain away fluid. I have decided to let my 15 month old son do it after more than 3 months of ...
My daughter has an infection in the tissue on the outside of her ear, because of scratching her ear and causing it to bleed and subsequently get infected. My pediatri...
Just had an ultrasound yesterday and the baby is absolutely healthy so far. I would hold off as long as possible, but a root canal can't really wait until January of...
I visited the dentist today and was told I will need a root canal. I'm 29 wks pregnant. I am also very nervous about the dentist. I have heard about sedatio...