my husband sucked hi

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Results 61-70 from 1,858 articles

Help, I Have a Thumb Sucker

K.W. asks from Salt Lake City

Hi. My first and last children have never sucked their thumb or even took a binki. My second child on the other hand is a MAJOR thimb sucker. It has bothered me fr...


How to Stop a Thumb Sucker

J.J. asks from San Francisco

I have a 2 1/2 year old son and a 5 month old son. My 2 1/2 year old never sucked his thumb, and never liked pacifiers. However, from the beginning, my 5 month old ...


1 Year Old & Finger Sucking

S.C. asks from Evansville

My fourth child will be one next week. She's the only one of my four that has sucked her fingers (or thumb) for more than a few weeks. She started shortly after she...


7-Month-old Thumbsucking

R.B. asks from Los Angeles

I have no idea if this is a ridiculous question, but I thought I would ask all you mommies before worrying too much - please excuse my first time mommy's naivete. I ...


Bed Wetting/ Thumb Sucking

J.M. asks from Binghamton

2 questions here: 1st is for my friend, his 5 year old son is still wetting the bed most nights. We have tryed everything, no liquids 2 to 3 hours before bed, bribing...



A.B. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter is 32 months old. She has sucked her thumb from day 1. I tried to get her to use the bink just so it would be easier to get her off of it once she got old...


How Do You Manage Your Own Personal Computer Time?

K.D. asks from Austin

We all love the computer. So many great resources (including this forum) and ways to connect to others near and far. But how do you manage your time on the computer...


How Do I Keep My Infant from Sucking Her Fingers?

L.H. asks from Jacksonville

My daughter is 11 weeks and wants to suck her two middle fingers. I have an ultrasound picture of her sucking her thumb and when she was born, within minutes, she wa...


Thumb Sucking

T.I. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter is 2 1/2 and ha always sucked her thumb. She would use a stuffed animal and rub the nap above her upper lip while sucking but now she pulls her hair acro...


How Do I Stop My Almost Four-year-old from Sucking His Thumb?

H.B. asks from Salt Lake City

My son will be four years old in December, and he still sucks his thumb! I have not tried drastic measures yet, but I feel he is getting way to old to be sucking sti...

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Answer Highlights

  • sucked their thumbs in 3 answers "my 3 girls sucked their thumbs until jr hi.. my 4 month old is trying now."
  • him suck his thumb in 2 answers "I agree w/Love R......he's only 5 months so let him suck his thumb."
  • suck their fingers in 3 answers "that those who suck their fingers or thumbs need braces or their mouths form a certain ..."
  • stopped sucking her thumb in 2 answers "... got older and found stuffed animals and blankets, she stopped sucking her thumb."
  • never needed braces in 3 answers "... his thumb until age 7 or 8 and has perfectly straight teeth, never needed braces."