They want the distance, they put all their needles out like hedgehogs, they think we know nothing, they think we do not understand, they have horrible mood swings. Ye...
Hello -
I just had a question to the other moms who have had their tubes tied. I have two kiddos that are 12 1/2 months apart and we decided to tie my tubes after ...
I decided to get the Mirena last month for many reasons, one being that my sons is the result of my horrible memory when it comes to taking the pill. Well, I don't kn...
I was using the NuvaRing pre-pregnancy and really liked the ease of use, but even though it is low-dose as far as hormones go, I was having an increasingly bad reacti...
Hi Ladies! I've already been to my OB for advice on this one, but I am not convinced with her answer, so looking for other solutions. Here's the problem:
First a...
Ok so on September 4, 2008 I had my son. It was a c-section and at that same time I had a Marina IUD put in place. So as of now I have had it in for over 2 years. At ...
It just dawned on me that I may be suffering from this. I have been blaming my irritability and mood swings on my situation in life, which is also a huge contributor ...
My Dr just recently told me that I have PCOS and since we've been trying to conceive for over 6 months he put me on Metformin and says I also have to take Prometrium ...
I just recently stumbled upon information about Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. I had tubal ligation 4 years ago and the symptoms I have had since then all seem to fit...