My children go to private school and they are required to wear uniforms from a specific vendor, anyway the only thing i needed to order was two pair of walking shorts...
My husaband & I have been patiently awaiting the overseas assignment list to be able to put in for a new duty station. We were hoping to stay here in Germany, Ramste...
I admit, I am not a regular on this site. I come to this site on the weekends and the occasional morning when the kids don't have to be somewhere. So, I'm always th...
Thanks to everyone that has messaged me about my son...whom we think has ADD/ADHD
Many of you had some GREAT ideas and shared some interesting stories.
We are takin...
The other day I posted a question about lying about your kids age to get them a free kids meal. The resounding response was absolutely not. (Thank you for all your an...
My 5 year old daughter has vaginitis, which is inflammation in/around the vagina. Any suggestions as to how I might 1) alleviate itching symptoms and 2) get rid of it...
I'm done having children. It seems like many Dr's prefer delivering babies. Looking for Dr. that likes dealing with issues that woman face in their 40's and on.
My second son is 3 1/2 months old. He was sleeping through the night for many weeks and now all of the sudden he is up every 3 hours through the night again or at lea...
MY 3 month old has Thrush! I am breastfeeding twins, and am afraid of the other getting it too. Doc recommends Nystatin. I 've read many differing results. Anyone...
Does anyone know of any nusery speciality painting/designers out there that could paint a nusery for us. I have the ideas I would like, but just need someone to help...