How early in the day are you willing to allow your kids to have friends over or go play outside with the neighborhood kids? I am feeling super cranky right now, but a...
I'm sure you know someone whose "mom" or "aunt" likes to say that you can always tell someone's priorities by the state of their house: the messier it is, the more we...
Okay, I'll be the first to admit that I stink at organization. Always have. We live in our living room. It is where the kids play, but the toys are taking over. W...
So in an earlier post by another member, I noticed that many folks were dismissive of Valentine's Day with their spouse or partner (citing "too commercialized" or "to...
I googled "free range kids" and found this web site which I'll post on SWH. After reading it I am taking another look at my own fears for the safety of my grandkids....
I have a 5 1/2 month old boy and normally he will take two naps for and hour or more each during the day. When he naps I have him in the livingroom with the tv on and...
Hi I have a 9 month old and almost 3 year old that I want to put in the same room together over the next 3-4 months. We have an apartment and the baby is still our b...
What it comes down to, after reading all the responses, that it wasn't necessarily the kid sitting there watching me. I've come to realize it was the mom's flagrant d...
WOW am i tired of this rainy/snowy/icy/BORING cold winter VA weather!! and so are my kiddos! we need SUNSHINE! i'm at my wits end trying to come up with fun, creative...
My middle guy is almost four and the baby 1.5. I want to start working on teaching them (mainly the 4 yr old) about helping around the house and that our family is a ...