My grandson is going to overnight camp this summer and I want to get him a bug repellent that is non-toxic. Would appreciate opinions on which one to purchase.
Hi! I am having a very small wedding in May, and I am looking for a small church with some history. I've already been to Old City Park in Dallas and the historical ...
What do you do with the doggy doo-doo AFTER you scoop it? Do you have a disposal system? Do you put it out for trash? What do you do with it after you pooper scoop it?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone had ideas of venues for a Birthday party? With adults and children, I am looking at 35-40 people. Needing indoor space, with air cond...
Hi I'm wondering if anyone can recommend someone who does air duct cleaning. I've lived in this house a couple years and have never had it done. I don't now much abou...
I am in a book club and we're doing a Secret Santa book exchange. The gal I chose is not particularly picky about the type of book, but requested something that is "...
I am trying to find out how to get to this trail before you get to I-40 and Wade Ave. There is this bridge that is for walking or biking. I rode behind the Whole Fo...