My daughter is fairly tall for her age. She seems to tower over the most the kids in her class at daycare. She has been complaining lately more so than usual about he...
Can anyone recommend a good, sturdy, reasonable $$$(under $130.00) stroller for a child that is over 40lbs. Most of the strollers have a weight limit of 40lbs. and a...
She is 62 inches tall, chest is 29 inches, waist is 21 inches, hip is 31 inches and weighs74 pounds. Size 12 is too short and 14 is too big at waist. Not a big select...
My daughter just turned two in December. She's 38 in. tall and weighs 44 lbs. What kind of car seat should I have? Should she just be in a booster? The one we have no...
I need suggestions for what type/brand of double stroller to purchase. My son will be 2 1/2 when baby #2 arrives this summer, so I need a stroller that will hold an i...
How long did your toddler stay in a T size? I've been under the assumption that it's one T per year i.e. - My daughter is a 2T at two years old, 3T at three. Is that ...
my son is 3. He is 3foot 4 inches tall-VERY TALL.He outgrew his 40 pound harness, so we moved him to a booster. after reading all these comments and watching youtube,...
My daughter is 16 months old, but she is so tall for her age (she is as tall as a 2 1/2 year old). Her legs are so long and I can't find pants that fit her. She needs...
My son has grown to tall for his infant seat, so I have to purchase the next stage of car seat. He is already 29" and 18 lbs, so if anyone has had a car seat they jus...
I just made a cake shaped like a pumpkin for my daughter's school. It is too tall to fit in my deepest tupperware container. Anyone have an idea how to cover it?