My Grandson is 6 weeks old and on breastmilk, however he takes a bottle due to problems nursing, using Dr. Brown bottles. He was fine up until two or more weeks ago a...
When my daughters were two weeks old, one of them (who had been having feeding difficulties) was given a vitamin D supplement which made her throw up what must have b...
My son is now waking at least twice at night with what appears to be very painful gas. I am exclusively breastfeeding, but haven't eaten anything new or gas-inducing...
I have a friend who is feeding her baby formula, breastmilk, cereal AND baby food (veggies and fruit) at six weeks. This baby has digestive problems (constipation, di...
I was just curious if it is necessary to give my 4 month old a little water when we are out and about in the heat? I am very careful not to take him out for very lon...
Hello! I have a 9 mo old baby girl. She has always been an excellent sleeper, and slept throught the night for 5-6 hours before a feeding. The past 2-3 weeks she is...