I was wondering if anybody knew of any good classes my husband can take out 17mth old to on teh weekends. i was thinking either a music class or preferable a gymnast...
I would like to get my 17 month old daughter into an art class. Obviously nothing too intense, but something where she can start experimenting w/ paints etc. Has an...
I'd like to join some kind of a play group for myself and my daughter. I've contacted gymboree but they were to expensive. Also was looking into YMCA for a swim cla...
I am looking for a gymboree type place for my 2 year old son that is fairly priced and not crowded with kids in class. He is into music alot and has alot of energy l...
Hi! My soon to be 5 yr old is too big for Gymboree at this point. He still needs the same type of play atmosphere, but for older kids. He's HUGE next to the little...
Hi, I'm looking for dance/movement/music class for my toddler who is only 14 months. We checked out Gymboree and it was amazing--just out of range budget wise. I have...
Gymboree or Little Gym?
My son hates the organized circle time and honestly I find "Gymbo" kind of creepy. Kiddo also won't participate with anything involving ...
I am looking for classes such as Kindermusik, Gymboree, etc. for me and my 6 month old daughter. I live near Wylie and came across "Music Together." Does anyone hav...