fast fat loss

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Results 31-40 from 1,220 articles

Belly Fat

*.M. asks from Tucson

i know everybody wants the answer to this problem; Just want to see if anyone has a good, workable suggestion....thanks ladies!!!


Baby Fat

G.H. asks from Raleigh

i just had my second baby last month. during my pregnancy i lost 15 lbs and weight less at the end of my pregnacy than i did befor i got pregnate. I'm lighter now tha...


Exercise That Helps Loosing Fat from Thighs

M.B. asks from Austin

hello ladies, I just turned 31 and have started gaining fat specially around my thighs (inner and outer) and butt. I am a petite woman and have always remained under...


Want to Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

T.D. asks from Dallas

Okay ladies. I know we have all tried just about every diet known to man in order to lose the baby pooch. My daughter is almost 5 and I still look pregnant. How ca...


Any Supplements Out There That RELIABLY Help with Belly Fat?

E.G. asks from Atlanta

Hey Ladies, Well, my subject says it all ..... I am a busy mom and work part time, so actually reliably hitting the gym is not a realistic thing for me right now. ...


I Weigh 110 Pounds and Im Fat

J.S. asks from Macon

Ok ladies im 5"3 and weigh 110 pounds and i have belly fat or flab lol..Here a little back story.I was 98 pounds when i got prego with my dd when i had her i was 163...


How Can I Loose This Belly Fat After Second Baby?

J.L. asks from San Diego

I am a proud mother of two a 5 year old little girl and a 8 month old little boy. After my daughter was born the weight just fell off. But now with my second one I...


Whats a Proven Way to Drop Belly Fat?

T.D. asks from Springfield

proven ways to drop belly fat. also post success stories... i am going to try to drop a few (welll 20) lbs and want to hear success of others and how they did it. ...


Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet

J.S. asks from Dallas

I am very curious about this "new" diet plan, well new to me. I just can't find good detailed information on it even when I googled the name or looked at the official...


Help.........My 12 Yr Old Daughter Thinks She Is Fat......

D.W. asks from St. Louis

All, I have noticed lately that my 12 year old daughter has not been eating as much as she normally does. She usually eats like a horse, but is very active. ...

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Answer Highlights

  • high fructose corn syrup in 2 answers "... and flours and added sugars, and get rid of all high fructose corn syrup!"
  • cant afford a gym membership in 2 answers "I know you said you can't afford a gym membership but if you could put away some money ..."
  • tone those areas in 2 answers "... best I can do is keep my weight under control and exercise to tone those areas."
  • reverse crunches in 2 answers "I agree with Beth - reverse crunches & flutter kicks."
  • flutter kicks in 2 answers "I agree with Beth - reverse crunches & flutter kicks."