I was expecting to deliver around April 14, and was only 1.5 cm dialated (100% efaced) at my 4/10 appointment. They were going to do a non stress test on ...
Vitamin E Face Scrub: Mix together 1 C. salt, 15 drops Vitamin E oil, 2tsp. olive oil, and 1/4 bar glycerin soap (use a cheese grater to to grate it). ...
Whenever the mucous plug falls out, usually, how long does it take for labor to begin after this happens?
Yesterday i had a doctors appointment, they checked me a...
This is my third pregnancy so I should know the baby comes when she's ready - but is there anything that MIGHT help it happen sooner?! <sigh> I've been dialated for 3...
I am a mother of 2 who is in my 38th week of pregnancy and at my last ob appointment my doctor said I was dialated to 2 amd 60 pecent efaced she stripped my membranes...
First, let me explain my pregnancy a little. My first son was delivered at 34 weeks, so with this pregnancy, my OB has been cautious. I've have a projesterone shot ev...
I am 33 weeks pregnant and am having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are painless, but still uncomfortble. I drink a lot of water, so i know i am not dehydr...
I've heard the usual suggestions... spicy food, walking, sex, and have started drinking rasberry tea and taking primrose oil. I just wanted to know if any of you out ...