education system

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Results 31-40 from 5,210 articles

Advice on the Public School System

N.H. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms, I would really like some advice on Public Schools. I live in the GISD and my daughter will be attending a Rowlett elementary school next Fall. How has you...


Need Advice-Special Education Preschool

T.N. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms! My son is almost 4 and has been in special education preschool since he was 3 under the category of Speech and Language Impairment. He is going five days a ...


Antibiotic in System -- How Long?

J.R. asks from Miami

Dear All, This is a follow up to a previous question. My son was put on a sulfa-based antibiotic. He took 3 doses over 1 1/2 days. He had an allergic reaction. He ...


Education Question for 11 Year Old

L.R. asks from Boston

My husband and I have different views about what a "good education" is. Currently, we have three boys. The oldest is 11 and attends public school, but has complaine...


What Budgeting System Works for You?

J.F. asks from Macon

My husband and I are planning on improving our money habits in 2013. We make a comfortable combined income, but we don't save as much as we should, especially for ret...


Dual Language Program vs Classical Education

M.R. asks from Dallas

I know this is last minute and I should have made a decision by now but those of you that are familiar with Founder's Classical Academy/Vista Schools and the Dual Lan...


Question on Religious Education for Grade Schooler

S.R. asks from Washington DC

I grew up Catholic and had an extensive religious education, but when I became an adult, I decided that was not the religion for me. I'm not sure what I believe at t...


3Rd - 4Th Grade Education, Please Weigh In

E. asks from Phoenix

Hi There, I am looking for parents and teachers that can help me...My son is in 3rd grade, he is a fast learner and in general ahead of most kids. He goes to a small ...


Do You Thinks Our Kids Are Overburdened in Today's School System?

M.P. asks from Peoria

Today's blog about the education system really hit home. My oldest just started first grade, and I can't believe how much work needs to be done at home. I think it ...


Louisiana Attempting to Overhaul Its Educational System - Thoughts?

A.G. asks from Houston

Louisiana just accepted an education funding program where, if a child's school fails to meet certain federal standards, that child will be given a voucher that can b...

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