The avg loan for a child when s/he gets out of college is OVER 20,000 dollars.
Are you saving for your child(ren) OR worrying about college( money) when the ti...
My daughter is 2 months short for entry in kindergarten (Beaverton, OR) and not eligible to the early entry test too... I did a lot of research already to not waste a...
I grazed over the blog about school supply madness on Mamapedia and didn't quite get it. I usually start shopping as soon as the sales start and buy more than needed....
This totally drives me crazy and I wonder if other schools do this too. This is half questions and half rant. I understand that schools need to do fundraiser occasi...
no, not the biggies. i have my thoughts on social security and health care, but they're not what this post is about.
i'm still in shock at how many people are 'outra...
My husband and I are worried about getting our son immunized. We are thinking of waiting till he is at least two years old. Not sure what we should do!
It's been weighing on my heart so heavily, especially our national debt.
How can I explain this to my kids? "Sorry - our country is so far in debt that the next s...
My niece attends a school that allows students to BYOD (Bring your own device) for use during class (not just “Free time” at the end of the class but during the l...
My oldest is a senior in high school, and I am getting very worried about him going off to college next year.
I would rather have him commute to school, but everyone...