I am a 21 year old stay at home mom and would love to go back to school to pursue a career in the medical field. My fiance works and we are barely making ends meet no...
I want to buy my 2 1/2 year old daughter a bike. She's big for her age, according to her doctor she's the size of a 3 1/2 year old. She has a tricycle that she never ...
My son is 2 1/2 and bites. He's only chomped one little boy, but he's done it 3 times now!! I've tried a couple of things, and he quit for a few months and did it a...
My husband and I love to tent-camp. We are worried if we will have to give up our hobby now that we have a baby. Does anyone have any advice, tips, or experience with...
My daughter is about to start her 2nd year of preschool (Headstart) and I have been working with her everyday for weeks now on her alphabet to make sure she's ready t...
My 13 month old son had been say what we understood to be a few words: da, ma, and galla (for the dog - Galahad). He seems to understand what we are saying, but late...
I've always been a little wary of male daycare providers but ever since the whole Sandusky scandal, I'm hyper-paranoid about any man who chooses to work at a daycare....
Moms- I am at my wits end & need some advice (or at least need to know that my kid is normal). In recent weeks my 2-year old son has become VERY "mom" focused. It i...
My son is going to be 4 years old . i just need more advise on the steroids(medicen) the doctor gave him. i feel like its going to hert him later and its hard to tell...
I'm just wondering if anyone out there can give me advice on this. My son is going to be 15 months on the 17th and doesn't speak not even a single word yet. We prac...