A friend has asked me to start watching her two children starting in the fall in my home. She wants to be able to deduct what she pays me on her taxes as she has in t...
I'm interested in beginning a FSA account to cover childcare expenses but am not entirely sure how it works. If anyone out there uses one and can provide an overview...
First three days of caring for precious 3 month old baby boy. He is happy, loves stimulation and children being around. LOVES to be held and especially talked to. ...
Anyone have a good suggestion for a better fitting title than stay-at-home Mom when you reach that "occupation" line on forms? I am being both serious and humorous a...
I recently found a montessori that was near our home. I went and met with the director. She told me they had immediate openings. She said I just had to pay the reg...
My niece turned three in July and she still doesn't talk. She can say a very limited number of words but uses pointing, babbling and crying as her main forms of comm...
Hello! My friend has an in-home daycare that she runs. RIght now she has just one family, but a few other families are interested in her daycare. With only having ...
My son goes to K-5 at the elementary school & then goes to after school at daycare. When I pick him up, he tells me on a daily bases that the other kids do not want t...