My 2 year old daughter developed a rash on both of her rear cheeks I didn't really think anything of it because she has really dry skin so I thought it was just dry p...
My 1 year old son has had a cough since the second week in January. He'll wake up in the middle of the night just hacking and chocking. He has a few fits during the d...
My son just turned 2 and I am starting to wonder if he is allergic to our cats. We have 2 cats and have had them for 8 years. I remember always thinking the 1st yea...
Hi Moms,
My son's had a cough/clear mucus for over 6 months. The ENT said he had huge tonsils/adenoids and that they were covered in mucus. So we had them removed...
My son is 15 months old and was recently tested for allergies. He reacted to peanut and the Dr. gave us an epi pen and told us to never let him eat peanuts. Now...
Hi Ladies,
I feel like I am getting a cold- my husband has been sick with one for the last 10 days and my son is coming down with it too- I am having symptoms and ...
I read about one or two weeks ago on the board about a pregnant woman seeking help for her cold and someone told her about putting vapo rub on her feet with her socks...
My son is 31 months and he ALWAYS have this cough that comes and go. Last year he had several Upper Resp. Infection. Ever since they put him on a Nebulizer, ...
My 6 year old DD has frequent barking croupy coughs at night which can last for hours. She seems to fill with mucus and often coughs until she vomits. When she vomi...
My 23 month old son started day care about a month and a half ago. He has been sick since the first week there. It started with Mild fever, cold, runny/stuffy nose, p...