I am looking for advice. Are their any mommas that have left a successful/rewarding career when babies came? So much of all I worked for since college has materiali...
How much help should older, teen siblings be doing with your kids? Free babysitting? How often?
I think they can occasionally help out but that parents chose to ha...
I met my husband 6 yrs ago.He's10 yrs older,3 kids from his previous marriage,1 from before he was married.I have 2 from my previous marriage(So 6 between us)he had h...
My husband and I are in a disagreemnet about where to send our son to school. He is 3 1/2 and just started pre school this year, I started him at the local Catholic s...
I have been looking in opening a UPromise account for my son, but really confused about the whole thing! I would love to hear from other moms that use the program. I ...
I am looking into a career switch. I found a teaching program at a local University. It is a 1 year "career switch" program. I would be interested in teaching Biol...
When my daughter go her first job over the summer we told her we weren't going to tell her how to spend the money or make her save it. We wanted her to learn these le...
My husband and I are looking for some way to be able to send our kids to this private school. We were both raised in private christian schools and my husband was even...
I have three sons. Two of whom are already in middle and high school. But my youngest son (age 4) I wish to have home schooled for a better chance at education. My qu...
Hi fellow moms,
I'm wondering if any of you know of a place CLOSE TO HOME that's hiring for data entry?? I'm a Phlebotomist but I've been out of that line of work f...