My girls are almost 10 and 5, right now they go to daycare for morning and afternoon care. I am thinking about getting a "nanny" for the summer. My main reason is my ...
I am wondering if anybody has experienced a similar situation to mine in regards to adjustment/modification of child support: 10 years ago I did not have the money to...
I am wondering how my fiance's child support payment will change when we have our baby. He pays 20% to his daughter's mother right now. Does anyone know how much (if)...
The avg loan for a child when s/he gets out of college is OVER 20,000 dollars.
Are you saving for your child(ren) OR worrying about college( money) when the ti...
Hi, I hope I won't offend any child care providers by asking this question. I was telling my friend (who's single, no kids) the cost of our child care (we pay 150/we...
My ex owes me $1350 in child sipport. My lawyer is filing a motion in court to have him go to court and ordered to pay. Again. Isn't there anything else I can do? Any...
My ex husband was paying child support until he became disabled and now gets Social Security Disability benefits. My son gets disability beneftits as a result of his ...