My toddler is currently 3 y.o with a short attention span(as with most toddlers), so I was wondering at what age should we sign him up for swim lessons. Please share ...
My boy wakes up in the morning and can hardly walk grabbing at his thigh and hip area. We give him motrin and he continues through out the day with his limp. He hur...
My in laws are aghast that my almost 2 year old can't walk down stairs by himself. Should he be walking down stairs at this point?
Also, should we teach him how to g...
DH and I are expecting our first baby in April and we are very much minimalists. We live and work on a 60 acre sustainable farm and as of right now we have a pretty s...
The way that my apartment is set up, I need to buy two extra-long sets of baby gates which means they're also extra-expensive. Since this is my first baby, I want to...
My 5 year old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD, ODD & PDD NOS. My question is if there is any way to find out if the ADHD is really there or if some of the ADHD s...
We have 2 long, steep staircases in our home, on which my husband just installed gates as our 8-month old is now crawling! My question is, what do other families do ...
Hi moms:
I'd like to try to make my son's room a cat-free zone. I have two active younger cats who have good vertical jumps.
Are there any recommendations for gates...
I'm living in a split level house and the bathroom is upstairs (well mine is).... How do you get around that with potty training, doesn't it make it difficult because...
My 7 month old is moving moving moving! I need something to pen her in. I think we need a gate. I think she would be pissed if I put her in a playpen. New gates are s...