I'm almost ready to move my baby girl from her infant car seat into the convertible car seat that we have. However, I need to buy a toddler seat for my son first (he'...
My 3 yr old will need to move to a booster seat within the next 6 mo or so and was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations? I'd like to get one that still h...
Need some advice regarding a carseat for our 5 year old. I think the carseat we have him in now, is only for up to 40 pounds as a 5 point restraint system. It has the...
My son will be turning 3 years old in a couple months, and we need to find a combination booster seat for him (the kind that has a 5 point harness but can be converte...
I am going to be getting a booster seat soon for my almost 4 year old (about 33 lbs.) and wondered if anyone had already done the research into the safest models.
Anyone have a recommendation for a toddler car seat? One that my son won't flop out of when he's sleeping.
I had an Evenflo Triumph that I loved but it was only goo...
Hi Moms. I am having trouble with my daughter's car seat. She's two, she's 36 pounds so we bought a "booster" style seat that has a bottom base for her to sit on an...
Hi everyone!
My dilema is that I need to find new car seats for my almost 3 yr old boys. One twin is tall (39" 35lbs) and the other is stocky (36" 38lbs). Their cu...
My DD just turned 1 this week. and subsequently is also to big for her infant carrier.
I have a Mazda RX8, very small anyone know what cardeat will fit best in that...
Hey Ladies,
My now 2 1/2 year old son is gigantic. He weights 37.5 pounds and is just about to out grow our his car seat. I am having a difficult time with the ide...