Hello everyone! I have been on here before and have had some awesome advice, so now I am back!
Ok, so my husband and I have been trying to concieve since September...
I am about 4 weeks pregnant with no sore breast, no cervical signs that I am pregnant and for the last 2 days I had morning sickness but today It went away. Anyone el...
I've had a miscarriage in the past, and we just started trying again this month!
I tried to track my ovulation, but must hv don't it at the wrong time? I felt nauseo...
I had my Mirena IUD removed last month on the 14th. The very next day I started my period and it lasted a whole 2 weeks, 14 days. My first question is: Since my perio...
I have been off the pill since late July of '07 and here it is now late February '08. I havn't had a period and I'm not pregnant. I went to my OBGYN and was told th...
I need some healthy suggestions for breakfast, lunch and dinner...my husband is tired of me telling him "I don't know" when he asks what I want. With my fractured le...
I had a miscarriage in December at only 6 weeks. My OBGYN stated that because it was early they consider it to be like a late period and that my body should go bac...
My first day of my last period was either on the 24th or 25th of July and last day was the 29th..I had intercourse on the 8th of this month and possibly conceived. Wh...
I'm ranting about this today because I'm tired of people telling me my due date is wrong. I get that it's an estimate. But I'm tired of people staring at me and asses...
I am 35 weeks pregnant and having a TON of contractions. I've been having contractions for weeks at regular intervals (between 2 and 4 minutes apart). I was sent fro...