Does anyone's child have a Nabi tablet? If so, how do you both like it? What's good & what's not-so-good about it? I'm thinking about getting my 5-year old daughte...
Our daughter just learned today how to pedal her tricycle. We figured she just didn't care about her bike until today. She said, "If I pedal will you get me some juic...
Has anyone purchased a Wii recently? I have no idea where to start and want to know if they are even available before i go crazy :-) Also, what games do you recomme...
With the new computer age and all my pictures are digital what is the best way to back these pictures up?
I am also shopping for a new home computer if you have an...
I am looking for a portable DVD player to buy for car trips with the kids to keep them occupied. I have a couple of car trips coming up and I thought it would be nic...
Any savvy shoppers out there who can help me? I'm thinking that my son will be moving up to Playmobil toys this Christmas, and I noticed that Toys R Us has them on s...
Geez, with all the frenzy around Missoni for Target, you think these people are planning to be buried with their coveted Missoni items. I'm so glad I'm not one of th...
I have three pair of khaki pants from Old Navy and I love them. They fit so perfectly, BUT they have shrank in the dryer. I have my dryer on the lowest setting and ...