birth control the ring

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Results 161-170 from 966 articles

Drug Free Birth Control Recommendations?

M.O. asks from Chicago

Of course I'm going to talk with my doctor, but I'd like some input on what you've used that has been successful - no pregnancies, not ruining "the mood", easy to use...


NEED HELP Finding Good Birth Control!!!

E.M. asks from Philadelphia

I need to find a birth control that WILL NOT cause me to gain a bunch of weight. I just stopped taking Ortho Tri Cyclen a few days ago. I started taking it (again) in...


IUD Birth Control--Looking for Input

J.S. asks from Chicago

I have a 5 month old daughter that I am nursing, and I was told that an IUD is a birth control I can use while nursing. I'm at that point where I've got 3 wonderful ...


Natural Family Planning as Birth Control

L.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mamas! I just had my second baby and eventually want a third. I have decided to go the natural family planning route for birth control this time because most for...


Birth Control Pills? Depo Shot? What to Do

N.S. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, I am reaching out to you ladies for Birth Control Options. I have been having horrible periods that last for 6-9 days with tons of pain. I am not...


Need Help Finding Good Birth Control

M.W. asks from Milwaukee

My husband and I have been very fortunate in having children. Out first is almost 2 and our second is due this April. Both were conceived within a month of me being o...


Question About Ortho Evra Birth Control

T.R. asks from Nashville

I have tried Mirena (IUD)& Yaz (pill) for birth control. I had problems with both of them. The Mirena I bleed for 6 months and the Yaz I have spotted and bleed when...


Health Problems After Yasmin Birth Control?

M.S. asks from Topeka

Just curious if this has effected anyone else...I saw a commercial last night for a lawyer who was searching for people who had any number of health issues after bein...


Seasonal Birth Control, Have Anyone Tried It UPDATE

V.C. asks from Charleston

So here is an update. I called my doctor yesterday and left a message about calling me in a new prescription. Usually the nurse who works with him is really good abou...


So About This Mirena and Depo Birth Control...

K.T. asks from Anniston

I have come to the realization that I just cannot seem to keep up with taking a pill within the same time frame everyday. I am entirely too scatter brained. I have a ...

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Answer Highlights

  • calendar rhythm method in 2 answers "... and possibly changing - fertility schedule, unlike the calendar/rhythm method ..."
  • fertility awareness method in 2 answers "... kids, and while trying to conceive, we used FAM (Fertility awareness method ..."
  • using the nuva ring in 2 answers "... explain the same symptoms...Before getting the IUD I was using the NUVA RING."
  • call people who practice in 2 answers "What do you call people who practice Natural Family Planning?"
  • got pregnant while nursing in 2 answers "I also have friends who got pregnant while nursing, and were practicing NFP."