baby name parents

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Middle Name Help!

J.S. asks from San Francisco

Hello moms, I am due today for baby #2. We have picked out a first mane but I am not 100% sure I like the middle name. We are having a baby girl and her name is...


Would You Change Your First Name If You Could (Easily)?

C.J. asks from Milwaukee

I never have been fond of my name. It's perfectly fine name for my husband but not me. Perhaps if we both weren't "Chris" I wouldn't mind so much. In high school ...


Last Name Question

J.Y. asks from Chicago

I am getting married at the end of October and trying to decide what to do about last names, My two children have my last name, and I am currently pregnant. My fian...


Nicknames vs Full Name

J.M. asks from Lexington

So my husband and I have started our steps to becoming parents through adoption. We have spent the last few weeks talking about names and have settled, so far on 3 b...


Does Your Kid's Name "Fit"?

N.L. asks from Chicago

With my oldest, she definitely "grew into" her name. It took probably 3 months or so before I really felt like she "fit" her name, but her name totally goes with who...


Seeking Strong Name

A.S. asks from Omaha

I just found out that I am having girl. My sons name is Preston. I need name ideas. Needs to be a strong name,one that she can use in the corporate world!!!!!!


Last Name After Marriage

K.R. asks from Dallas

I just got married this weekend WOOHOO! Question: Did you keep your last name? Take his last name? Or replace your middle name with your maiden last name and ta...


Keeping Your Name but Not Giving It to Your Kids

L.N. asks from Fort Myers

I know at least ten women who kept their last name when they got married. But then when they had kids, every single one of them, gave their kids their husband's last ...

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