My daughter is 5 months old and rapidly outgrowing her infant car seat - she isn't that heavy but she is very tall. We have a Graco seat that I have grown to hate. It...
We are moving from the infant carrier to a forward facing car seat. I really can't justify spending $250 on one. Anyone have a strong opinion as to which ones are r...
I was a professional woman and have always considered myself strong and assertive. I quit my job in June and love being with my kids and feel truly fortunate to be ab...
I have been a loyal user of scrubbing bubbles, 409, soft-scrub, lysol. I have tried several other but they are the only products that truly remove all grease and soap...
When I first met my husband, he joined my family for turkey day. He found it to be a terrific excuse to drink too much wine, and to have funny family fights over triv...
Recently I received an e mail asking if I wanted to be a mystery shopper. If yes, fill in this info and submit. I did, and a week later (today) I received a UPS envel...
My son is 8 in 2nd grade. He wants his own email account. He wants to be able to email his grandparents and us (his mom & dad). He's very responsible and we have a...
I need ideas on how to help my son at school with his ad/hd. I have fought the schools for 4 years to try to get them to give him extra help. I don't think they did...
I was wondering if any bodys Dr. has given advice or if they have been told not to give babies their scheduled shots/vaccinations while they are sick. I thought...
Hi moms and dads. My oldest will be graduating from high school this June. For those of you who have sent a kid off to college, what items that were not on the typi...