If one develops pre-e very late in third trimester with first pregnancy, what are the chances of developing pre-e in subsequent pregnancies?
My husband and I just found out we are pregnant last week. Just today I noticed some slight pinkish spotting and passed some tiny pieces of pinkish tissue. We have ...
This pregnancy has had scare after scare... however, the baby has always been fine with a strong heart beat. At about 9 weeks pregnant, I was bleeding a lot... went t...
This is my 2nd pregnancy. With my first I never had Braxton Hicks contractions. I've had a few off and on with this pregnancy, but nothing like today. Can Braxton Hi...
I experienced hellp syndrome and eclampsia with my first pregnancy we really want another child but no doctor can give us a yes or no anyone have any suggestions or e...
How did you ladies know you were pregnant?? Besides a pregnancy test. I mean, did you get sick, did you feel strange in your tummy(lower region), were you becoming ps...
I had a misscarige in june, soon after i got a regular preiod in july, august, & september.
But i didn't get in october now two weeks before my period was expected...
When I went to my first doctor's appointment, he sent me for a viability ultrasound because I was not far enough along to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler and...
Ok-I stopped breastfeeding I believe back at the end of May. I have never been regular with my period and figured it might take awhile to come back. So the last week...