Is there any way to improve keeping up with stuff in our day to day life, or is this just normal? :) Kids are 3, 2 and a 9-month-old baby. They do not nap, except the...
This is going to be long, I'm sorry. First a little history. I suffered from pretty major depression 3-4 years ago after the death of both my parents. I went throu...
I currently live with my parents till the summer. My daughter is 6 and I honestly feel like she is addicted to food, she is (edit*)25 lbs overweight (shes on a weight...
HI Guys,
Just curious about something because I am very concerned about how my husband has been reacting to our daughter since she was a very healthy infant.
This is long, sorry! I was bullied relentlessly as a child. It started in elementary school literally when I got my first pair of glasses and continued throughout mid...
How do I let this go and move on when I'm in mama bear mode over someone mistreating my child? I'm seeking support, not criticism from holier than thou types who wish...
My daughter is 18 and lives at home. She has recently jumped on the entitlement bandwagon and feels like I owe her everything and she should not have to work for anyt...
... or maybe we need family intervention!!
We are older parents, who have perhaps been over-indulgent. Our daughter is a model citizen- polite, sweet, considerate...
Found out recently that my daughter has borderline personality disorder, although the diagnosis is unofficial since she has not taken the "test" for it. I asked the ...
I feel divided on this. On one hand I feel that I should be keeping them highly entertain constantly (playdates, indoor activities, outdoor activities etc.) and on th...