My wonderful grandson is almost 5 1/2 & he does not listen. His hearing is perfect now. He had problems in the past, but yesterday we were told that his hearing is pe...
I am really stressed my beautiful "mellow" baby has turned into a child who tests me at every turn. I get so frustrated and need help on disciplining and controling m...
I seem to lose my mind sometimes ,I work all day and then when I pick up my daughter ,they tell me How well she behaves ,The second we get home ...It seems like she l...
My mom went ahead and bought an American Girl Doll for my daughter after I told her not to. My husband & I are very angry at this point because we said don't waste t...
Is listening to Mozart or playing some brain-training toys able to make our children more intelligent? I learnt from one of my friends that listening to some classic ...
My daughter is 3.5, and she is really terrible about listening to her friends. I am not sure what to do about it. She is a sweet girl, but sometimes when her friends...
Ok, so as alot of other posts i've read my daughter, age 7, has issues with listening. The only difference is it's all the things everyone else writes all wrapped up...
I am looking for some feedback regarding the appropriateness of the approach of placing my 3 year and 3 month old daughter in "time out," or "sitting out" for not doi...
I'm not sure if our problem is due to unreasonable expectations or if there's something we need to do differently. My 2 1/2 year old gets an idea in his head, and if ...
I am at my wits end with my 6 year old son!!!! He argues with me about everything; I say the sun is yellow, he says it isn't. He doens't listen and it is to the poi...