I have a 9 month old that needs the larger car seat rear facing but I have a three year old in that car seat forward facing but we need two car seats for each car. I...
my three year old is 30 pounds and in a high back car seat (i think thats what its called). I'd like to move her to a booster. What kind should I get and is she the r...
My toddler boy is almost 21 months now. We have a seat that goes on top of the regular toilet seat and he has used it several times to go potty without any problems. ...
This question is really for the car seat nerds (and I meant that with all the possible love there is!).
I am a self-described car seat nerd. I have 3 children: a ...
My husband and I are very tall and would like to get a car seat for our baby due Dec. 6 that will accomodate a long baby. I know some people that are tall and had ta...
We are looking beyond the infant car seat to the next one. With new recommendations for rear facing for the first two years, I wonder what do you recommen...
Hi Moms,
My almost 5 month old daughter is uable to sit up unassisted, yet she pulls herself up to sitting while in her bouncy seat and then tips over the side. I'v...
I'm feeling really gung-ho about the potty training thing, though my daughter isn't ready yet. I'm going to get the supplies though, so she can get curious about them...
I want to buy a seat so my 2 year old can go on bike rides with us. I have found two main kinds: the ones that go behind the rider and the ones that go in front. I wo...
My 4 month old is a big girl, and we'll be in the market for a new car seat soon. I need something that will go from rear facing to forward facing. At the rate she ...