has anyone purchased the Huffy 12" bike for their child? toys r us has a sale on the Cars bike and the reviews look pretty good on their website. However, when i lo...
Hello! I would like to get a bike for my 4 and 6 year old boys, but I am struggling with the pros and cons of getting a bike at Target for $70ish vs going to a good b...
We are planning on getting DD her first bike for Christmas. She will be 4 this winter. What is a good, quality brand of bike? Need to start on training wheels ...
I am getting a bicycle this summer and can't decide if I should get a seat that attaches on the bike or if I should get one of those trailer things that you pull behi...
Hello mommies!!
I have been separated from my childrens father for quite awhile now and feel that it is time to start dating. It has been a real long tim...
Today i took my four year old daughter shopping for a helmet for her new bike. i stopped at a few places before heading to the bike shop. She refused to walk the same...
Hi moms. I am going to try and complete a triathlon this summer. The website of the one that I will be signing up for states that there are no changing rooms. So I gu...
Hi Moms!
I am looking for suggestions for a bicycle or tricycle for my 2.5 year old boy. He is too big for the ride on toys we have and I am wondering what type of ...
Do your kids use helmets for sledding? I know they recommend them for skiing and sledding. I've never seen kids sledding with them around here. What works best? ...
My 3 daughters are 14, 12, and 10 years old. All three stopped wearing helmets while roller skating once they became good at it and learned how to fall properly witho...