I am currently thinking of getting my son a glide bike for Christmas. It is one of the bikes with no pedals that they push with their feet to get going & then glide ...
My son is now 48" tall and ready for his next bike. He is 5. According to the size charts he would do well to have a bike with 20" diameter tires. Should I try for a ...
I am in the market for a new commuter bike. My needs are purely recreational and want to take my 1 yr old daughter biking along trails at the weekend etc. I ha...
Can anyone recommend a quality 20" bike for a boy?
The reviews that I see on amazon are full of complaints about quality.
And if someone knows of a company that...
Ok Mom's not sure if you can help... I am looking for a dirt bike new/used for sale for my son. I have been ALMOST everywhere. I have tried the K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Toys...
I want to buy a seat so my 2 year old can go on bike rides with us. I have found two main kinds: the ones that go behind the rider and the ones that go in front. I wo...
I have a child seat on the back of my bike. I would love to take my 18 month old daughter for a ride, but I want her to have a helmet. All the ones I have found in th...
I would love to buy my husband a bike seat to put our daughter in so he can ride her around town for his first Father's Day. I know he would love it and I think our d...
We have been in Colorado almost a year now and are ready to buy some bikes. We have no experience in this so bare with me and keep the snickering to a minimum:) Oth...
I have a tall soon to be 4yr old who has outgrown her trike. I will of course take her to test the bikes 1st but was wondering what others thought about the sizes and...