I have a very pickey 2 1/2 year old little girl. I can't seem to find the perfect toy for her. She has almost everything, and still not happy. Sometimes I think we...
What practical tips to you give new parents? For example: Use a lingerie bag to keep together baby socks in the washing machine or using multiple sheets and waterpr...
I really want to start some kind of incentive chart for my 3 & 4 yo sons. I don't want it to only have chores on there like cleaning their room, keeping their trucks ...
I am so afraid of pushing my daughter to toilet train before she is ready. I have put her big girl panties on and she is excited but she just seems to play with the t...
I take care of my 3 yr old grandson and he hates having a bath.He starts to whimper as soon as he knows it is bath time. He says "No Grandma No!" and just keeps rep...
Since being laid off I now have tons of time with my son. Which I love, but I'm getting bored. We have crappy public transportation and I don't have a car to go place...
Hash it out here - Women by nature are nurturing and "expected" to be better at taking care of the children but can often times get off track. However, more and more...
What does your child do in reguards to Chores/Help Contribute to the family? I am looking to make a little helper chart to have her start learning responcibilty. I w...
I am feeling bad today.
guilty i guess.
I kiss boos, i feed healthy food, i teach, i discipline.i snuggle. i even come up with occasional art projects.
... but ...
My son is 15 months old and very dependent on his paci. Right now he is in a home daycare, but we are checking out a couple daycare centers and they do not allow the ...