Toddler: Older Child, Princess

Results 1-10 from 1,461 articles

Princess Stereotypes

L.R. asks from San Francisco

Our 3yo daughter has recieved lots of princess dress hand me downs over the past year from older friends that outgrew them. We took the princess stuff in - her frien...


Too Much Princess?

J.M. asks from Boston

My parents watch my 2 year old two days a week and are great with her. They have more than just a occasional grandparent role in her life and have a big influence on ...


"My Princess Boy" and "What Would You Do"...

B.C. asks from Dallas

I have a little girl (two actually) that are 1/2 princess, 1/2 tomboy. My 3 y/o has an iron man mask, pirate costumes, police costumes, as well as princess and fairy ...


Princess Dress for a Princess Party

N.W. asks from Chicago

My 7-year old is turning 8 and is having a "Princess Party" at our house. When she first described the idea of having a Princess Party she described the dress she wan...


How to Deal with an Out of Control 7 Year Old?

J.P. asks from Chicago

I have been having issues with my 7 year old daughter being disrespectful, honest & kind. She has always been a good kid up until about 3 months ago. We did have anot...


Princess Loot Bags

J.C. asks from New Orleans

My to be 6 daughter is having boys at her birthday this year...we bought princess loot bags but is it OK to give these to the boys or should i do a pirates and prince...


Who Has Seen the Princess and the Frog?

C.G. asks from Atlanta

I was trying to decide if I should take my 6 year old to see the new Disney princess movie. I saw a clip with a witch doctor in it. I didn't like what I saw and won...


Help with My 7 Year Old Daughter's Behavior

M.V. asks from Steubenville

My daughter is only 7 years old (will be 8 this summer) and she already has the attitude of a teenager. She is very mouthy and disrespectful all the time. She will ...


Other Princess Options/ No Disney!

K.K. asks from Minneapolis

My almost 3 year old daughter has become very interested in princesses. We don't watch TV except for the occasional Mr. Rogers, but she has picked up "Disney Prince...


9 Year Old Birthday

K.F. asks from Phoenix

My oldest daughter is turning 9 on June 10th.I asked want do you want for your birthday.She was a nintendo DSI.Does your child have a ds or whatever?If so,when did he...