I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old (preemie). We finally have warm enough weather for all of us to go to a park. I see a lot of kids younger than my 3 year old who...
My grandson is 22month old and does not say any words, not mama dada, etc. He is very smart otherwise, knows what you say seems to hear, but very concerned - should ...
My son is 23 months old and he says about 14-16 words and copies and understands everything we tell him. I give him a 2 step command and he does it with no problem. M...
I have a 3 year old girl who seems to be talking a little slower than some of the children in her class. she had to have tubes when she was about 17 months old. they ...
My son's dr. said if in 3 mos. he isn't talking he should see a speech therapist. He is only 18 mos. old. He has about 9 words he can say. Although he can't fully ...
Iam a mom to a very active 18 month old in Carrollton he's my first and in his last check up our pediatrician recommended we take our son to a speech therapist. He c...
My son just turned 2 1/2 and has a speech delay. I went through the Regional Center of OC and they diagnosed him with an expressive speech delay but wont provide ser...
I just love this site! You have all helped me so much. My oldest 2 1/2 says words. But no sentences other that bye dada or I love you (in her own way). She repeat...
Hi Moms! I am hoping you guys can offer up some advice for me! Here's the deal, I have a 3yr old son who has a slight speech delay, we are starting the process of e...